Historia Oculta: Investigar, Divulgar, Participar

Hola amig@. Mi nombre es José Luis Espejo. Soy un apasionado de la Historia (en Mayúsculas). En este portal podrás conocer mucha información en relación a lo que llamo Historia Oculta (Historia no explicada). Conocerás mis últimos artículos, disfrutarás de muchas anécdotas históricas, y jugarás al juego RES GESTAE, un trivial de historia con más de 2.500 preguntas con reseña. Es gratuito: sólo debes aportar un nombre de usuario y una contraseña.

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También te presento mis libros, algunas colaboraciones con la prensa, y por supuesto, mis inquietudes personales.

Y encontrarás enlaces a mis vídeos, realizados con la intención de mostrar al lector una parte de la Historia que no ha sido revelada por la historiografía oficial.

Mi último libro: 

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Colón. Su verdadera identidad al descubierto

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Hidden History

En la sección Hidden History encontrarás algunos de mis artículos traducidos al inglés.

My name is José Luis Espejo. I'm an historian and bookseller. Hidden History is a website where I expose an important part of my realizations and of my thought. Here you will find my edited work (Publicaciones), my videos (Videos), and an access to my bookshop (Mi Librería). But also hundreds of articles on the most different topics. I thought necessary to translate some of these articles into English with the intention to arrive to more people, all over the world. The reader will find that most of these articles allude to my research on Leonardo da Vinci. That doesn't mean that I'm not interested in others subjects (as shows my bibliography). What happens is that this hypothesis is a personal contribution that I want to promote, hoping that someday will be recognized as an indisputable historical fact, in the light of the evidence that I bring (and I consider incontrovertible).

This new perspective in the life and in the work of Leonardo has to change the interpretation, not only of his message, but also of the historical and cultural environment in which Leonardo was immersed.

If you're a publisher (in any language that is not Spanish or Catalan), or simply you want to make some comments on my ideas or on my work, please get in touch with me writing a message here: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla. .

My articles in English language (reference and number of views):

Göbekli Tepe and Gunung Padang confirm my "speculations" 539
Synthesizers, Futurologists and Anticipators 514
The megalithic culture 428
Essay on blindness 475
The Old Religion 864
The Great Pyramid: a stone book that hides a great secret 965
The Great Pyramid, scale model of the Earth and the Sky 1867
What are we talking about when we talk about the Great Pyramid? 1437
The Great Pyramid was not built in the time of Cheops. All the evidences 1997
Roque Guinart, Don Quixote, and the mistery of Cervantes 2552
A horse with wings of prehistory 2691
Polaris (The Knee), solution to the enigma of the Origins 3972
Leonardo da Vinci, a Gnostic reading 2900
The origin of the Egyptians: new evidence 3442
The house of the Da Vinci in Barcelona 3529
Signatures and numbers in Leonardo's work 3885
The Hidden Message of Gaudí 12447
Hidden cryptograms in the Mona Lisa of El Prado 3790
The presence of Leonardo in Catalonia, silenced 4825
Leonardo, spy in Montserrat (year 1482) 4893
Leonardo in Rocafort (Martorell) 4945
Belvedere of La Gioconda in Martorell 4512
Leonardo, La Gioconda and Martorell 4733
The picturesque Botany of Leonardo da Vinci 5521
Ramonda myconi, the most representative plant of Montserrat 4178
Leonardo in Catalonia 4220
More evidences on the second travel of Leonardo to Catalonia 4352
Montserrat in the works of Leonardo 3670
Leonardo and Spain: an scheme of relationships 3242
Comparison between La Gioconda and the Virgin of Montserrat 3303
A shade in La Gioconda 3458
The knee of Hercules 3940
The Holy Supper of Solsona, model for the Last Supper of Leonardo? 3837
The androgynous Saint John and the pregnant Magdalena (and Leonardo) 4002
Some "gozos" to Maria Magdalena (and Leonardo) 3477
Non è Ise, Antipodes. The true meaning of La Gioconda 3785
Leonardo, heretical 4057
Leonardo's kaleidoscope 5459
Leonardo in Catalonia: A summary of my theory 6561
Leonardo da Vinci, the first Rosicrucian 3805
Leonardo and the mistery of Maria Magdalena 4405
La Gioconda and the Magdalena Leggente de Barcelona. A hidden link? 3432
An unknown Leonardo 4214