The Great Pyramid, scale model of the Earth and the Sky

In the article The Great Pyramid was not built in the time of Cheops, I present a series of arguments that make me conclude that, as the above statement says, we cannot attribute the authorship of this great monument to Pharaoh Cheops. Among them, that without a doubt the Great Pyramid incorporates important relationships of mathematics, geometry and geodesy: the number Pi, the number Fi and the meter. And from the latter, we obtain the royal cubit of the Great Pyramid (0.5236 meters), calculated as one sixth of a circumference with a diameter of one meter, given by the number 3.14159 (Pi). Consult that article for an in-depth understanding of these measurements and relationships.

We cannot ignore that the meter is equivalent to one ten millionth of the distance between the pole and the Earth's equator. That implies that the builders of the Great Pyramid knew the exact dimensions of the Earth. An incredible feat if we think that in the time of Cheops Egypt would be plunged in the middle of the copper age.

However, the mathematical and geodetic knowledge derived from the Great Pyramid goes much further. The plinth of the Great Pyramid of Giza has a perimeter of 926.1 meters (according to Miguel Pérez Sánchez Pla). For its part, the Earth has a diameter of 12,742 kilometers. If we multiply this measurement by Pi (3.14159) we obtain a circumference (the terrestrial equator) of 40.030 km. If we divide the perimeter of the base of the Great Pyramid (926.1 m.) by that of the terrestrial Ecuador, we obtain the scale 1:43,224, with a margin of error of less than one thousandth (1,0006) with respect to 43,200. And let's not forget that the Great Pyramid also incorporates the so-called “squaring the circle” (see the article The Great Pyramid was not built in the time of Cheops).

(We have to make a precision. As the Earth is flattened, the circumference of its Equator is exactly 40,075 km. If we apply the previous operation, the relationship would be 1: 43,273. In this case, the margin of error, with respect to 43,200, is 1: 0017; approximately 2 thousandths.)

The number 432, implicit in the measurements of the Great Pyramid (specifically, in its scale, in relation to the terrestrial Ecuador), is identical to many others that we can find in other cultural contexts:

1) The Hindu Kali Yuga lasts exactly 432,000 years.

2) According to Berossus, the first kings of Kish, in Sumer, reigned -before the Flood- for 432,000 years.

3) In the "Mayan ledger" 43,200 days are equivalent to 6 katuns (each of which represents, in turn, 7,200 days).

4) In Israel we do not have 432, but we do have 72: The 72 sons of Shem, Ham and Japheth; the 72 letters of the sacred name of God, which in turn has 72 names, etc. 

5) Leonardo painted a 72 in La Gioconda (under the bridge).

That the number 432 has a cosmological value is undoubted. If we multiply 432 by 60 we get the number of years that the “Great Precessional Year” lasts (see Ecos de la Atlántida, page 39). In total, 25,920 years, which is what it takes to planet Earth to make a retrograde orbit through the ecliptic, as a result of the wobbling of the Earth's axis (which is inclined 23.5 degrees with respect to the plane of the ecliptic). But let's take a good look: if we divide the Great Year of 25,920 years by 72, we get the number 360, the basis of spherical geometry used in astronomy. It is not by chance that each “arc of degree” of the Great Year equals 72 Earth years (25,920: 360 = 72). This is a relationship also reflected in the Great Pyramid (432: 6 = 72).

The number 72, implicit in the Great Pyramid (it is a sixth of the number 432), perhaps derives from the Sumerian tradition, since it is the product of multiplying 12 by 6, typical of a sexagesimal notation (or numbering), with base 6. This number, and 60, are the basis of the sexagesimal numbering system, with which we obtain the number of degrees of the circumference (60 x 6 = 360). If we divide 360 (degrees of the celestial circumference) by the number of zodiacal houses (12, a figure that as we see is not accidental), we obtain 30, the number of degrees of each zodiacal house. And since each degree is equivalent to 72 years, a zodiacal house assumes 2,160 years. Now we are leaving Pisces to enter Aquarius.

We have already seen that the Great Pyramid is a scale model of the Earth, incorporating the ratio 1: 43,200 (72 x 6 = 432). Likewise, the royal cubit of the Great Pyramid (0.5236 meters) is one sixth of the arc of a circumference with a diameter equivalent to one geodesic meter (3.14159 meters). This implies that the builders of the Great Pyramid used base 6 (or 60) mathematics, not base 10, which was the one commonly used by the Egyptians. As I explain in my last book, El árbol de los mitos: “The plinth of the Great Pyramid of Giza has a height of one real cubit (0.5236 meters), so that (the plinth) serves us to record, on the one hand, the terrestrial meter and, on the other, the universal cosmic number: 432 ”. In this way, the Great Pyramid is not only a scale model of the Earth (in its spatial, or geodesic aspect), but also of Heaven (in its temporal aspect, equivalent to the duration of the Great Precessional Year; see above) .

The ancients reflected the importance of 6, as a residue of an "ancestral wisdom", in a symbol called "the flower of life": a flower with six petals. The Christians made it the symbol known as the "chrismon" (a stylized X and R, which have, like the "sexifolia", six extremities).

This means that the builders of the Great Pyramid were not Egyptians, because as we have pointed out above, Egyptians used a base 10 numerical notation; instead, the Great Pyramid appears to conform to a base 6, or 60, number pattern typical of Sumerian or Chaldean numerals. And as we have seen, residues of this notation can also be found in other cultural settings (India, Central America or Judea).

Were the builders of the Great Pyramid part of a cultural environment foreign to the Egyptian? From my point of view, yes. Whether the monument was built in the time of Cheops, or in a much earlier period (as I defend), the "geometricians" who designed it were not Egyptians.

Which was their origin is a matter in dispute. Perhaps they were the "annedotus" (Oannes or Adapa, among them), which were fish-shaped and resided in the sea (they were amphibians), according to the story of Berossus, the Batylonian. The Sumerians called themselves "black heads", perhaps in allusion to an ancient people from the East. In this regard, it is curious that also in Melanesia (in Oceania) the base 60 number system is used.

All this adds new questions to the great mystery that is hidden under the stones of the Great Pyramid.

